“How to work on your website’s SEO in 2022” in just 6 steps.

James W Fleuriot
5 min readJan 30, 2022


Everyone knows how frustrating it can be to have a website and not be able to drive traffic to it. So here are 6 things to consider when thinking about working on your website’s SEO in 2022:

From Pexels.com
  1. Review and integrate new keywords
    One of the first things you should do when setting up your SEO strategy is to list and target the topics you produce your content on. Then, it would be very wise to think about reviewing the selection and integration of new keywords related to the chosen topics, and that you have probably already used in the construction of your content. When Google’s crawlers visit your pages, it is better that they are well supplied with keywords, in order to facilitate the indexing of the robots. This can, of course, propel you to the top of the list. Once your pages are indexed, the robots are then able to display your site on the first page of the SERP. The use of keywords must always remain subtle and strategic.
    It is also recommended to avoid any duplication of your pages. Because, Google allocates a time budget to the indexation of your site. It is therefore not very practical for robots to spend their (limited) time scraping duplicated pages, while you maximize this time by providing unique pages.
  2. Optimize the titles of your pages with the Title tag
    By definition, this tag is nothing else than the title of each HTML page. It must not only be filled in, but also as descriptive as possible, in order to: 1) indicate to Internet users the title of the content of your pages. 2) facilitate the indexation of your pages by the robots (crawler) of search engines. Hence the importance of always ensuring that all your pages have a title with the “Title” tag. Also note that this tag must display a description of the page itself and not the site as a whole.
    It should also contain the main keywords of the page and should not exceed 65 characters, as it will be displayed in Google search results.
  3. Optimize the loading speed of your website
    When a user connects to your website, the time they spend there is very important. Therefore, it is best that the loading time of your website is minimized. Otherwise, they might run away and never set foot on your site again.
    If you find yourself in this situation, it’s time to review your site’s loading speed.
    First of all, you need a more or less accurate inventory of your website’s current situation. To do this, several elements that can lead you to optimize the loading speed of your site, can be essential:
    The use of the caching system: The caching system of your site will allow the temporary storage of certain data on the user’s computer, in order to reduce (by increasing) the loading time during his next visit on the site. Moreover, it also allows to make the pages of the site more dynamic.
    Optimization of the images of the site: Although the images play an aesthetic role as well as promotional, it does not result less than sometimes their weight is missing in the speed of loading of the site. Thus, in order to reduce their weight, it is advisable to resize your images, while avoiding reducing their quality. It is also preferable to do this using specialized software, such as Adobe Photoshop, Pixlr, etc.
    Reduce and/or compress your content: At this level, the first thing to think about is the compression of all your pages: your HTML, CSS and JavaScript codes. To do this, only three steps are necessary: reduce variables, refactor the code and remove spaces.
    Review the organization of your site: A simple sorting between the important elements of your site and those you can do without would not be too much to do at the level of codes (and possibly your content), while avoiding compromising the quality of your site. Indeed, you must make sure that all your pages are as light as possible.
    If, despite everything, nothing works, you should in this case aim to change your web host.
  4. Integration and organization of semantic tags: h1, h2,…h6
    When you organize your page content in an organized manner, you make it much easier for search engine spiders to find you. As they understand, with speed and ease, you’ll have a much better chance of getting your spot in the SERPs.
    By classifying your titles and subtitles, while prioritizing them, you bring what is called “the notion of value” to each of your titles. You will not fail to benefit from this.
  5. Consideration of internal and external links
    These are key elements leading to the improvement of the natural referencing of your website. They are therefore a very practical way to generate qualified traffic, while optimizing your site for search engine ranking. They :
    - Contribute greatly to the indexation of your web pages;
    - Contribute to the good referencing of your site;
    - Contribute to the improvement of accessibility and user experience by facilitating navigation;
    - Allow navigation between the different pages of the site (internal links);
    - Allow to navigate between the different pages of the site (internal links); Also allow to point to the pages of other sites (external links).
    Given the usefulness and effectiveness of these two types of links, it is strongly recommended to integrate the optimization of these links into your SEO strategy.
  6. The meta-description of your web pages
    By default, the description of your different web pages is displayed in the search results of Google. It is therefore the description that must push the user to click on your link rather than another. It must, of course, include the most relevant keywords of your page to attract the most visitors.
    This tag must be limited to 160 characters, and must be a condensed (miniaturized) summary of the page content. It should have only one objective, which is to incite the user to a call-to-action.

If you want to add something to this article, I will be happy to do so.

See you soon.
James W F.

Freelance, Upwork
SEO Content Writer & Canva Graphic Designer
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